

National Unity Day – 2022

National Unity Day was celebrated on 31.10.2022 to celebrate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel at Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology by taking pledge and running a mini marathon from Peraiyur to college. The event was presided by Mr. M. I. Ahmed Yasin. Flagged by Dr.K.A.Jeyakumar, Principal, NCAT and Mr. Siva samy, Sub-Inspector…

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Training on Usage of Uzhavan Mobile Application

A training programme on “Usage of Uzhavan Mobile Application”to the farmers of Kamuthy taluk were organized by the Office of Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kamuthy and Dr.R.Sureshverma, Ph.D (Ag.), Assistant Professor, Agricultural Extension was acted as a resource person. During which the farmers were provided a detailed information on all the components of the Uzhavan…

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Training on Integrated Farming System

A Training program was organized on “Integrated Farming System”at Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology on 18.10.2022. In which, farmers from the Kadaladi block were attended the training. The session was briefly introduced by Dr.R.Sureshverma, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Extension. The technical lecture on Bee Keeping (Mr. P. Annamalai, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Entomology), mushroom production (Dr.…

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Training on Food Processing and Value-addition on Vegetables and Fruits

One day training on processing and value addition of horticulture crops were given to the farmers on 30.09.2022 in NCAT, Kamuthy. Under this training, farmers from Peraiyur and Senthakottai village were actively participated. Resource person (Ms.S.R.Baby Rhodes, Assistant Professor, Agriculture Engineering) from NCAT explained procedures for value addition of vegetable and fruits and demonstrated preparation…

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National Service Scheme Day

“NOT ME, BUT YOU” the motto of NSS itself suggests that NSS volunteer always places the ‘community’ before ‘self’. Hence, every year 24th September is celebrated as NSS Day. Owing to above occasion NSS Unit of Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology, Kamuthy also celebrated NSS day on 24.09.2022 by planting tree in the college…

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