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Department of Social Sciences

Department of Social Sciences

The Social Sciences department, encompassing Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Statistics, English, Tamil, and Mathematics, offers a comprehensive range of core and allied courses aimed at providing students with a well-rounded education in agricultural economics, extension, and related disciplines. 

Agricultural Economics focuses on imparting fundamental economic principles to students, with an emphasis on agricultural marketing, and the financial and banking systems within the economy. Through this coursework, students gain insights into the economic dynamics shaping agricultural markets and the broader economy. 

Agricultural Extension aims to develop students’ communication skills and personality traits while equipping them with extension methods for the effective transfer of agricultural technology. The Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) program provides students with hands-on experience in rural agricultural settings, fostering practical skills and enhancing their understanding of extension practices. 

Allied courses such as Languages, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics play a vital role in enhancing students’ soft skills and technical competencies. Students acquire basic computer skills and mathematical abilities, which are essential for modern agricultural practices and data-driven decision-making.  The Extension department organizes various programs for students and local farmers.

These programs focus on disseminating the latest agricultural technologies and exploring solutions to the challenges faced by farmers. By bridging the gap between academia and agriculture, these initiatives facilitate knowledge exchange and promote the adoption of sustainable farming practices.