Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology in collaboration with Chennai based Chinmaya Academy of Civil Services has successfully conducted a national level Webinar on 12th day of July, 2021 (Monday) between 10.00 -11.00AM on the topic ” CRACK CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION” through zoom meeting platform with 112 participants (NCAT students).
During this event, the host (Trainers: Mr.Rajasekar and Mr.Sriramadesikan) and co-host(Dr.R.Sureshverma, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, NCAT) explained various aspects of CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION viz., subjects to read, books to study, mark pattern, stages of examination and finally collected students feedback.
Also, NCAT and CACS get into a collaboration to train young aspirants from Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology.
Regarding Enquiry (you may contact)
Dr.R.Sureshverma, Ph. D(Ag.),
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agricultural Extension,
Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology, Ramnad, Tamil Nadu.