

A one day training programme on “BEE KEEPING”

A Training program was organized on “BEE KEEPING” at Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology on 08.08.2022. In which, thirty farmers from the local villages were attended. The welcome address and briefing about the training was given by Dr.R.Sureshverma, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Extension, the special address by Mr.T.Santhos, ADA (ic), State Department of Agriculture, Kamuthy,…

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Independence Day Celebration

A grand celebration of 75th Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (Independence Day, 2022) at Nammazhvar College of Agriculture and Technology by honouring family members of freedom fighters Mr. M. R Ramasamy Devar, Thoori, Ramanathapuram and Mr. M. Raju, Dindigul with Shawl, Momento and Certificates. Dr. M. Ashok, Block Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre, Peraiyur, Kamuthy, Ramanathapuram…

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Integrated Agricultural Development Program (KAVIADP)

NCAT Faculties and students have actively participated in the Kalaingar All Villages Integrated Agricultural Development Program (KAVIADP) scheme inauguration held on 23.05.2022 in Ezhavanoor village, Kamuthy block. Under this scheme, coconut seedlings were distributed to hundred farmers. Agricultural Department officers explained about the coconut cultivation practices like field selection, spacing, fertilizer recommendations, seedling management and…

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Visit to Regulated Market Committee

III year B.Sc. Hons. (Ag.) students visited Ramanathapuram regulated market committee as an exposure visit for the course Agricultural marketing trade and prices (2+1) on 28.04.22. The secretary of the committee Mr. Raja Ponnusamy motivated the students and explained about the committee. Then the superintent of the committee Mr. Saravana kumar explained the functions. Then…

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Visit to FCI, Ramnathapuram

III year B.Sc. Hons.(Ag.) students visited FCI (Food Corporation of India) as an exposure visit for the course Agricultural marketing trade and prices (2+1) on 28.04.22. The manager of the FCI explained about the history, objectives, functions and role of FCI as a nationally important organization in ensuring food security of the country.Technical officer of…

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Third Year Students@ AC&RI

NCAT-2019 Batch- 3rd year student@ AC&RI Madurai Exposure visit random snaps While Our Professor Dr. Pothiraj (Assistant Professor of Pathology )explaining our students about Mushroom Cultivation at Mushroom shed located in AC&RI, Madurai. While Our Professor Dr. A. Arun (Assistant Professor of Agronomy) explaining about Azolla cultivation and Watershed Management. While Our Professor Miss. Ragavi…

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